Thursday, February 10, 2011

coconut chutney

this is a basic coconut chutney recipe. there are all sorts of variations on coconut chutney. this one we made we ate with dosas.

1 coconut, shredded
4 green chillies or however spicy you want it
2 tablespoons of salt (we use big chunky salt; i'm sure it is less in fine salt)
1 small chunk of ginger (a bit larger than a grape, but i personally wouldn't hesitate to put in a tad more)
(i've seen a small tomato thrown in before, but not this time)

now take your 500lb. stone grinder and mash them all together. or a food processor might work -- anybody have any suggestions? it should end up all mashed up and kind of like a soft play-dough. when you finish, put it in a bowl and add about a cup and a half of water, mixing well until it's like a runny oatmeal. you can play around with how much water. less would mean more intense flavor, but you do want to achieve a runny texture.

then in a hot pan:

2 tablespoons of oil
2 heaping teaspoons of mustard seed
2 dried red chillies, broken in half
15 curry leaves

once it has been slightly browned, add to your coconut mess in a bowl and mix well.

you're done! enjoy, eat with some dosas or anything. coconut chutney is probably my favorite, though mango season is coming up, so who knows....

coming soon:
dosa recipe

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