Monday, February 14, 2011


ranjana is the chef who we have been learning from. she has been very kind in taking the time to explain to us how she makes each dish. she is from east india but does not stick to a specific cooking style of any region in india.

we think she considers us as really goofy people writing down all the recipes that she knows from memory. we don't mind, it is completely worth it. a lot of the recipes and spice mixes she makes up on the spot, and usually we are there to write it down.

she is a really great person, she is sort of the glue of this community and her work seems to be done in the background. she cooks pretty much all the meals with the aid of us and shree kumar. she also does gardening, farm work, and in the afternoon during resting time she is often spinning cotton.

although many of us work out in the field under the blazing sun we would not be there without ranjana feeding us so well. i come across a guilt feeling quite often because she is usually out in the field with us. the amount of work she does is absolutely incredible.

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